Friday, April 9, 2010

Calling all would be cooks!

I was reading some of the top ten food trends for the year 2010, and somewhat shockingly number two is cooking at home from scratch. Growing up my mom always cooked from scratch, but then again my mom was the type who would haggle at the grocery store if she saw the opportunity. The more I get out there and talk to people the more I hear "Oh I don't cook," or as Sara Jessica Parker said "I use my oven to store sweaters, what do I need a kitchen for." Cooking at home, particularly from scratch, is now viewed as far to tedious in our text messaging, everything portable, go go go society. Being a chef and knowing how to cook is now considered a somewhat rare skill and very trendy. Need proof? Turn on your TV. The food network is one of the most highly watched channels out there. Everybody's got a favorite celebrity chef, and the theres the one who's isms drive them up the wall(Yum-O). So here is my challenge. Plan a dinner party. It can just be for your family, roommates or whoever you feel comfortable experimenting your food on. Don't make the menu too complicated. Go to the grocery store and pick out some ingredients you've never worked with but always wanted to try. If you need to find out how to cook them, I am happy to offer any advice. Or if you are more of an instant answer person(guilty) Google hasn't failed me yet. Try it out and make it fun. Make it interactive if you're not entirely convinced in your own mad skills. Do a kebab bar, or some fondue. I hope and think you'll find out that cooking and sharing it with people you like spending time with is the best. After you've tried it get on and let me know how it worked out for you, and I'll do the same. Enjoy, and let me know what you think!

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